Omar Shammas

👋 I'm a software engineer, triathlete, and life long student.

In 2019, I took the leap. I started a company . . . . and also shut it down. It was a tough yet exciting year. I've grown a lot, and am a little wiser too — just a little.

Prior, I was the 1st engineer at Wefunder (YC W13), which is like Kickstarter for investing. I worked there for 3.5 years and helped grow the company from $8M to $70M in investment volume.

Masters in CS from Harvard, and Bachelor of Engineering from Carleton.

Always love meeting new people. Hit me up - email, twitter, github.


It's been 12 years. That's embarrassing. I promise to start writing again in 2025.

Signup Forms 2013-03-15
84 Hour Workweek 2013-02-26
Sentiment Analysis 2013-02-04